PC3 + Supplements

PC3 is a time tested program proven to improve signs of aging by promoting overall good emotional and physical health. PC3 consists of injections and oral supplements of procaine, plus several vitamins and botanical extracts.

During the first 50 years of development, procaine was invented and produced for use as a local anesthetic.  During the next 50 years – up to the present, researchers have been dedicated to the clinical study of the ability of procaine and other compounds to decrease the signs of aging.  Procaine's foremost advocate and researcher, Professor Ana Aslan, MD and former Director of the National Institute for Geriatric Medicine in Bucharest, Romania had made procaine her life's work.

Dr. Aslan observed that procaine injections alleviated many of the signs aging, documenting noticeable improvements in arthritic conditions, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular disease, immunodeficiency, psychosomatic disorders, depression and other ailments.  "What I can say decisively," stated Dr. Aslan "is that with the help of my therapy one's original vitality returns. One's whole organism and appearance stays considerably younger than their chronological age."

"....One's whole organism and appearance stays considerably younger than their chronological age." Professor Ana Aslan, MD

I came to this therapy in 1997 and  went to complete further studies at the Aslan Original Regeneration Therapies at the Aslan Kur-Institut Oslberg GmbH in Olsberg, Germany with Drs. Nicuta and Jarosch, Dr. Nicola in Bad Reichenhall GmbH and Dr. Gross, Scientific Director in Frankfurt, Germany.  When I returned to the U.S. I began studies of Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy with noted lecturer Neal Rouzier, M.D.  The two therapies dovetailed so perfectly and I have been using them with great effectiveness ever since.

What began with German chemist Dr. Alfred Einhorn's discovery in 1905 that two commonly found materials in the human metabolism – para-aminobenzoic (PABA) and diethylaminoethanol (DEAE) could be synthesized to produce a non-addictive, non toxic local anesthetic, has today been vastly improved upon.  My variation on the treatment consists of injections over 21 days of procaine, supplemented with Vitamin B complex, folic acid and vitamin C followed with oral supplementation of procaine. 

As the protocol is repeated over a few years, the effects become even more profound as arthritic joints become more flexible, the mind and body regain their original speed of thought and reflex and emotions become more stable.

As the protocol is repeated over a few years, the effects become even more profound as arthritic joints become more flexible, the mind and body regain their original speed of thought and reflex and emotions become more stable.  The reason for this improvement is that the body's own capacity for regeneration is stimulated and it begins to produce – once again – the compounds necessary for optimal health.   My rule of thumb in healing has always been to help the body do what it does so brilliantly – since nothing is as effective as this innate ability to build and create.